Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cheap Flights from London to Dublin, or Dublin to London

While traveling around Europe I had to use many different types of transportation to get to many different destinations. In this entry I will be talking about the different options that are available for cheap flights from London to Dublin, or Dublin to London since they are pretty much interchangeable. Basically when it comes to getting cheap flights from London to Dublin, or Dublin to London, or anywhere in Europe for that matter, the airline of choice is Ryanair. I just searched for a flight for one adult from London Stansted to

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Study Abroad Packing List

I remember during the months leading up to my study abroad adventure in Cork, Ireland, wondering what I should pack for my trip. I knew that with the luggage limits that most airlines place on size and weight that I would not be able to bring the normal amount of stuff that I usually bring to school for a semester.  remember searching the internet for a study abroad packing list that would include all the necessary items that I would need for my 5 months out of the country. Here is the study abroad packing list that I wish I had before leaving on my trip. It includes things that I was very thankful I brought and other items that I wish I had thought of before I left and its in no particular order.

Study Abroad Packing list

View an Extended, Printable Packing List with less description  in my Google Docs Extended Packing List Click Here